Sunday 12 January 2014

London Calling - 'The one where I babble'

Having always lived in/just outside London, over the years I have visited some pretty amazing places. I like nothing better a novel/londontastic day or night out (yes I did just invent a ridiculously cheesy word). London is an amazing place to live and if you live here too or are possibly planning a visit I am hoping these posts will help on the 'What the hell am I am going to do today!?' front. This post first started in my head as a small collection of fun London venues or experiences I think everyone should visit and has slowly turned into a series due to the list of places I was going to include growing inexplicably long.

What can you expect from this series?
Recommendations of places I've loved.
Sometimes cheesy or touristy escapades.
Photos some of my friends would probably rather I didn't include.
As much detail as I can muster from the depths of my memory or various websites.

How often will I post a 'London calling' episode?
As often as I can (sadly I do also have a full time job to distract me) but I do have a back log of great places from last year in mind so I definitely have content lined up and waiting for you.

Would I like your recommendations?

So with that babble drawing to a close. Here we go....

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